Renewal of Quarterly Driving Licenses for 2020

The Department of Road Transport, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works announces the following, in relation to the renewal of the quarterly traffic licenses of vehicles for 2020 which expired on March 31 of the same year:

  1. The last date for renewal of these aforementioned licenses is Tuesday 9/06/2020.
  1. Traffic licenses may be renewed for a period of three, six, and nine months.
  1. It is emphasized that, under the current legislation, these licenses will be renewed until Tuesday 9/06/2020 free of charge.
  1. Based on the same legislation for traffic license renewals, which will take place after Tuesday 9.6.2020, the total amount of 10 euros and an amount equal to ten percent (10%) that corresponds to the amount due for the current year will be charged to the traffic license.
  1. The control of the vehicles will start from Wednesday 10.6.2020 and from this date the Police and the Department of Road Transport (TOM) will report those who drive with vehicles without a valid license.
  1. For the renewal, insurance and MOT will need to valid.
  1. Traffic licenses can be renewed with banks and online throughout the year.