Applying OKR Goal Setting Model for SME’s – Increasing Productivity and Competitiveness – 100% Funded for companies by HRDA

The Cyprus International Businesses Association In its quest to provide high-value educational opportunities for member companies, presents and supports the Training program:

“Applying the OKR Goal-Setting Model for SME’s – Increasing Productivity and Competitiveness”.

The training seminar is organized by proud CIBA member Charakis Research Consulting Ltd.

Why attend? The program:

  • Describes and evaluate the new trends in Goal-Setting management for the European and global economy and how these trends affect productivity, competitiveness, and profitability of companies and how they impact their strategy.
  • Separates the two dimensions of goal setting (corporate and individual) and details how these are correlated.
  • Assesses the need to implement an effective and holistic system management system for Objectives and its relation to the company’s Vision and Culture.
  • Presents a specialized goal-setting and management system of Objective Key Results, also known as OKR and analyzes the reasons why the application of this system is necessary.
  • Describes the components and separates the two basic principles set out in the road map for successful goal setting.
  • Applies the OKR system to the company’s Strategy and Process Management for the company’s day-to-day operations.
  • Separates the four critical OKR ‘superpowers’.
  • Analyses and organizes the CFR (Conversation, Feedback, Recognition) methodology, a necessary element of the OKR system which replaces the annual performance reviews and evaluations, by implementing a continuous assessment of performance and progress, by constantly improving and aligning the employees to the corporate culture. Thus, giving flexibility and speed in the decision-making process of the company (agility).

Who should attend
Due to its nature, the program is aimed exclusively at senior executives of very small and small enterprises (up to 50 employees), who exercise management and want to explore new ways to develop the competitiveness and diversity of their company.

Days and time:
26th & 27th of May and 02nd & 03rd of June from 14:00-17:45.

At the end of the seminar and upon, scheduling agreement, a four-hour consulting online meeting will be held with the trainer per participating company.

The program is 100% subsidized by the Human Resources Development Authority for up to 3 executive members per company, (excluding VAT €290.70 per participation).

Please note that the cost of VAT is refunded to the participating companies. Due to the limited number of entries, priority will be given.

For any other information or questions please call CRC HR Solutions on 25 36 65 71 or via email at:  or CIBA at 

For additional information here