CIBA 26th Annual General Meeting

The Cyprus International Businesses Association, celebrated its 26th Annual General Meeting at the Parklane Hotel in Limassol, with exclusive sponsor AMDOCS.
Present at the AGM was the Site Manager of Amdocs, Mr. Yiannis Tinis, who gave a brief welcome at the AGM.

The President of the Association Mrs. Doxia Nikia Hadjivassiliou, gave her address to distinguished guests and esteemed members,  AGM 2019 speech DNH President CIBA

CIBA was honoured to have new Deputy Minister of Tourism, Mr. Savvas Perdios, address the CIBA members in the presence of high ranking officials and esteemed guests and members.

A cheque in the amount of EUR 2.580,00 was presented to the Panos Evripidou Foundation, being funds raised from the CIBA charity initiative held in July 2019 at La Isla in Limassol. Mr. Marlo Evripidou, President of the Foundation was present to accept the cheque.

Subsequently, the Annual CIBA Business Excellence Award for 2019 was presented to Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Cyprus) Ltd., in recognition of their SOLID PRESENCE AND CONTRIBUTION TO CYPRUS AND THEIR EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP QUALITIES IN THE MARITIME SECTOR. Mr. Nicholas Kretsis ,was present to accept this award from the Minister of Justice and Public Order, Mr. George L. Savvides.

EXCLUSIVE sponsors of the 2019 AGM.




6 years ago the CIBA Executive Committee decided to give an annual CIBA BUSINESS AWARD to a member company of CIBA that excelled in its area of business, thus recognizing the importance and the contribution of the International Business Community to the Cyprus economy, according to the criteria set out by the board, namely; the company has to be a member company of CIBA with an international presence – the number of years operating in Cyprus, the contribution the company has made to the economy and/or recognition through an outstanding achievement during the year of nomination.

Companies that have previously received this award are:

Avanti Hylas 2 Cyprus Ltd. , a UK PLC Satellite Telecom company, in 2013 for INNOVATION

Windsor Brokers Ltd. , a very old established and well known Company operating from Limassol for over 25 years in 2014 for FINANCIAL SERVICES

RCB Bank Ltd. In 2015 for their TRUST AND CONFIDENCE in the Cyprus economy

BeFlexi Ltd., 2016 to encourage the set- up of new entrepreneurial ventures and to highlight their significant impact on FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT

Nest Investments Holdings (Cyprus) Ltd., in 2017 for their commitment to CORPORATE SUCCESS and SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY and for their significant contribution to the promotion of Cyprus as an international business destination.

Amdocs Development Ltd., in recognition of their outstanding development and continuous growth, in the technological sector.