EIMF are proud to present the course Taxation of Maritime Transport Income: Smooth Sailing or Policy Shipwreck delivered in-classroom with the renowned industry expert Tatiana Falcao.
The programme offers a deep dive into the world of shipping, in a market where sector developments are the predominant determinant of ship-owner income, from the perspective of an AIF or a banking institution.
Tatiana Falcão is a senior tax lawyer with over 10 years of experience in international taxation and policy development, working with the academia, industry, not-for-profit institutions, and intergovernmental organisations. She is a consultant for the United Nations in tax issues, a member of the United Nations’ Subcommittee on environmental taxation, and a recurrent contributor to the work of the United Nations, the OECD and the ILO ( more about Tatiana).
More about the course content and for registrations you can follow the link on the course title below:
*CIBA members can apply the Discount Coupon: CODE WILL BE circulated via email to all CIBA members – otherwise PLEASE CONTACT ciba@ciba-cy.org if you have not received it.
Programme fee:
Initial fee: €220
Less 20% discount: €44
Final Fee: €176 + VAT