New COVID-19 Measures Update – Summary after the Minister of Health Announcement this afternoon April 23rd, 2021

As per Minister of Health announcement this afternoon which can be found here in Greek, the following are announced as have been unofficially translated for your quick review:

As of Monday April 26th at 05.00hrs until May 9th at midnight,

  1. Citizen Movement is prohibited from 9 pm to 5 am the next day except in the following cases:
    1. travel to and from workplaces, as well as for work purposes using the Employee Traffic Certificate Form;
    2. Going to a medical center or hospital or pharmacy or veterinarian for medical emergencies.
  2. Prohibition of gatherings, public or social events, regardless of private or public, indoor or outdoor (eg squares, dams, picnic areas, marinas).
  3. Exceptionally and only on Easter Sunday (May 2), in addition to the permanent residents, the presence in the homes of persons is allowed provided that they come from only two families and provided that the total number of people in the house does not exceed 10 persons, including minors.
  4. It is only permitted to travel once per person by text message to 8998Texting for COVID-19 vaccination is not required.
  5. Church worship and other forms of religious worship in religious places will be performed without the presence of believers.
  6. Religious ceremonies (weddings, baptisms, funerals) with a maximum number of 10 people are allowed.
  7. The presence of believers in places of religious worship is permitted for the purposes of individual prayer and with a maximum number of 10 people inside the place.
  8. Only for the Resurrection Mass on Holy Saturday (May 1) the presence of believers in the courtyard of the temples is allowed, in accordance with the distance measure and the sanitary protocol that applies to the operation of the churches and provided that arrangements will be made for the attendees to attend seated . Inside the temples, only for Holy Saturday the presence of up to 50 people is allowed, according to the protocol. On all other days of Holy Weekthe presence of believers in places of religious worship, either indoors or outdoors, is prohibited.
  9. On Holy Saturday (May 1), to facilitate the participation of the faithful in the Resurrection Sequence, instead of 9 pm on Saturday, the travel ban begins at 1 am (Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday). All other days, the travel ban remains as it is (9 pm).
  10. In Public Sector Services , mandatory teleworking is now required for at least 20% of staff, with the exception of essential and other services to be determined by Decree.
  11. In Private service companies the simultaneous physical presence of 20% of  staff is allowed, with a minimum number of employees of 3 persons and a maximum number of 25 persons per professional establishment / legal entity.
  12. Increase of the rate of mandatory rapid detection tests on a weekly basis to 50% of employees. It is understood that where companies / services have a physical presence of up to five (5) people, the test is mandatory for all five people.
  13. All restaurants (restaurants, taverns, cafes, pubs, snack bars and bars, cafes and restaurants within shopping malls, canteens and / or sports clubs, cultural clubs, clubs, clubs, etc.) suspend their services with the exception related to home delivery and take away. It is understood that after 9 pm only home delivery is allowed.
  14. Operation of Outdoor and indoor theaters, amphitheaters, cinemas, and auditoriums is suspended.
  15. The operation of businesses in the retail sector is suspended, except for retail businesses in  beverages and food or businesses selling essential items as defined in the Decree.
  16. The operation of gyms, dance schools and schools of other sports is suspended. Personal training is allowed in open outdoor areas where access is allowed under the Decree with a maximum of two people.
  17. The operation of lucky gaming and betting shops is suspended.
  18. The operation of barbershops, hairdressers and beauty salons is suspended.
  19. All group tutoring, as well as sports and social activities for children under 18 are prohibited. Of course, distance learning is allowed as well as teaching with the physical presence of up to two people including the instructor (1 + 1).
  20. From the 10th of May 2021 the above measures are lifted and the current regulations are restored, provided that in places where there is a gathering (restaurants, gathering places, gym, retail, theaters, etc), the visitor must be in the possession of rapid test or PCR valid for 72 hours or have been vaccinated with at least the first dose and have passed three weeks or have been ill with COVID-19 disease in the last 3 (three) months. The adoption of the above regulation will enable the easier and safer movement of our fellow citizens and will allow us to return safely to more normal conditions.

The Minister also emphasized his call for all to get vaccinated, mentioning that the vaccination process will speed up as well as that all need to adher to strict measures of personal protection at both a social and professional level.