DAC-6 Guidelines issued by the Tax Department

As per Tax Department announcement Here, the guidelines for DAC-6 have been now issued and are can be downloaded in Greek here  ΚΔΠ 438_2021   and here Διάταγμα ΚΔΠ 438_2021 The Cyprus International Businesses Association was part of the legislative process throughout the Bill’s passing in parliament and will continue to monitor legislative developments concerning member […]

Epidemiological risk assessment of countries concerning COVID-19, dated 25/10/2021, effective as 28/10/2021

Following a decision of the Council of Ministers, on 18 February 2021, regarding the Action Plan for the gradual resumption of flights and the re-opening of airports, the Epidemiological Monitoring Unit of the Ministry of Health has made a re-evaluation of the epidemiological situation in various countries as regards COVID-19. The categorization for the countries […]

Imposition of 10% additional tax for employees with income other than employment income – Courtesy of EY

The Ministry of Finance, through the Tax Department, issued Interpretive Circular no. 54, on 19 October 2021, which refers to the imposition of 10% additional tax for employees with income other than employment income. Specifically, the circular makes reference to the provisions of article 24 of the Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law which provides […]

November and December 2021 CPD Seminars by MNK RISK CONSULTING

“The Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) Managers Law and the AIF Law: Latest regulatory updates and Risk Monitoring of AIFs” Instructors: Mr. Alkis Konstantinou & Mrs. Damiani Papatheodotou, M.N.K Risk Consulting Ltd Thursday, 18th November 2021, 08:30 – 14:30 “Counterparty Credit Risk: How Banks and Investment Firms calculate their exposure and capital requirements” Instructor: Dr. Marios […]

CGV Presents: Μεγάλη συναυλία για τα 200 χρόνια από την Εθνική Παλιγγενεσία – Ηλίας Ανδριόπουλος «Μεθύστε με το αθάνατο κρασί του Εικοσιένα»

Μεγάλη συναυλία για τα 200 χρόνια από την Εθνική Παλιγγενεσία Ηλίας Ανδριόπουλος «Μεθύστε με το αθάνατο κρασί του Εικοσιένα» Με μια μεγάλη συναυλία στο οινοποιείο Οίνου Γη-Κτήμα Βασιλειάδη, θα ολοκληρωθούν οι εορτασμοί για τα 200 χρόνια από την Εθνική Παλιγγενεσία, υπό τις μουσικές του κορυφαίου συνθέτη Ηλία Ανδριόπουλου! Μαζί του στην ερμηνεία οι Μανώλης Μητσιάς […]

Guidelines on Management of COVID-19 cases and their close contacts

The Press and Information Office has placed renewed guidelines on the management of COVID-19 cases and close contacts as follows:  Managing Positive COVID-19 cases  Upon announcement of a positive result after rapid antigen test or PCR test (molecular test), the COVID-19 positive person must:  immediately place him/herself in self-isolation, inform their  personal physician, inform his/her […]

Vaccination with the 3rd dose starts for people aged 60 years and over

Following a decision by the Council of Ministers on 15 October and as part of the target to shield, through the administration of the 3rd dose, the population groups that are most vulnerable to severe disease from COVID-19, the Ministry of Health informs that as of tomorrow, 19 October 2021, vaccination with the 3rd dose starts for […]

Epidemiological risk assessment of countries concerning COVID-19, dated 18/10/2021

Following a decision of the Council of Ministers, on 18 February 2021, regarding the Action Plan for the gradual resumption of flights and the re-opening of airports, the Epidemiological Monitoring Unit of the Ministry of Health has made a re-evaluation of the epidemiological situation in various countries as regards COVID-19.  The categorization for the countries […]

Action Plan for attracting companies to operate and / or expand their activities in Cyprus

The Minister of Finance, Mr. Konstantinos Petridis, gave a press conference today here regarding the Action Plan for attracting companies to operate and / or expand their activities in Cyprus. Both the Minister’s presentation and the key plans have been attached (in Greek at this stage) for reference. The key points are summarized below as […]