Tax Policy Alert: European Parliament votes to pass public country-by-country reporting – Courtesy of PwC

Following a final debate between MEPs in the European Parliament plenary session, a majority of MEPs voted on 11 November to pass changes to amend Directive 2013/34/EU, which deals with financial reporting of certain types of undertakings (the EU Accounting Directive). This vote (and the adopted text of the proposal available here) follows the political agreement reached with the […]

Epidemiological risk assessment of countries concerning COVID-19, dated 08/11/2021, effective as of 11/11/2012

Dear Members,  Following a decision of the Council of Ministers, on 18 February 2021, regarding the Action Plan for the gradual resumption of flights and the re-opening of airports, the Epidemiological Monitoring Unit of the Ministry of Health has made a re-evaluation of the epidemiological situation in various countries as regards COVID-19.  The categorization for […]

CIBA in partnership with QUBE presents The 9th NPF NextGen Payments & RegTech Forum

  CIBA is proud to partner with QUBE events on The 9th NPF NextGen Payments & RegTech Forum – a premium Pan-European gathering for senior executives involved in financial transactions, payments and regulatory strategy.What sets the 9th NPF NextGen Payments & RegTech Forum apart from other events? · Value focused · Business leaders defining and creating their own customized event experience · Meaningful and relevant networking opportunities  […]

CIBA in partnership with QUBE presents The 9th NPF NextGen Payments & RegTech Forum

  CIBA is proud to partner with QUBE events on The 9th NPF NextGen Payments & RegTech Forum – a premium Pan-European gathering for senior executives involved in financial transactions, payments and regulatory strategy.What sets the 9th NPF NextGen Payments & RegTech Forum apart from other events? · Value focused · Business leaders defining and creating their own customized event experience · Meaningful and relevant networking opportunities  […]

The control of SafePass possession through the CovScan Cyprus application is now optional until November 22

Following yesterday’s decision of the Council of Ministers to carry out SafePass possession checks through the CovScan Cyprus application, the Ministry of Health informs that the measure will be implemented voluntarily and on a pilot basis from November 8 to November 22 and will then become mandatory in order to provide for the necessary time […]

Ministerial Cabinet: SafePass possession controls mandatory with CovScan Cyprus – implementation from 8 November

As per announcement in Greek here, the inspection of Safepass compliance will be carried out on an obligatory basis through Covscan Cyprus (details here in Greek at present) after a decision of the Council of Ministers and in consultation of the Ministry of Health and the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy. Therefore, […]

Extension of measures against the spread of COVID-19 – Vaccination with booster dose for people 50 and over and with severe obesity

The extension of the measures against the spread of COVID-19, as well as the extension of the age limit for vaccination with booster dose to 50 years and in people with severe obesity, was decided today by the Council of Ministers, following a proposal presented by the Minister of Health Mr. Michalis Hadjipandela and announced […]

Epidemiological risk assessment of countries concerning COVID-19, effective as of November 4th, 2021

Following a decision of the Council of Ministers, on 18 February 2021, regarding the Action Plan for the gradual resumption of flights and the re-opening of airports, the Epidemiological Monitoring Unit of the Ministry of Health has made a re-evaluation of the epidemiological situation in various countries as regards COVID-19. The categorization for the countries of […]

PwC invites you to participate at the COP26 Summit in Glasgow: details of events that you may join remotely

The COP26 summit is bringing parties from every country in the world together in Glasgow, to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. We are really pleased to share the details of the virtual events that we are hosting or participating in during COP 26 […]